The simple answer to those questions is: Yes, I am gay.
I know this may catch some of you off guard or confirm some long held suspicions – or maybe you simply don’t care. Either way, it is something I haven’t felt the need or desire to share publicly until now. This is perhaps the most terrifying thing I have ever done in my adult life and it came down to a decision between my career and my integrity. I realize by sharing this I may have just destroyed everything I have built this past decade. Seeing as today is my birthday, it’s fitting that this marks the end of a journey and the beginning of new one.
When we released our first album in 2007, we were immediately classified as a Contemporary Christian band because I happened to write songs about my faith. Even Wikipedia labeled us as such. While I never considered us as exclusively part of the CCM genre, I realized that we were now in a position to have a profound impact on peoples’ faiths. For this reason, I kept my orientation to myself for the past 10 years of my music career. I did not want to be publicly identified by something that’s only a part of what makes me who I am.
The other reason I kept it to myself was for the sake of the other people playing in my band. Every member was aware of who I was and they were all supportive, even though most of them held traditional theological stances. Because of this, it felt unfair to subject them to the inevitable questions and scrutiny that would accompany a public declaration of my orientation. It wasn’t their battle to fight and I did not want to jeopardize their ability to make a living as musicians. That is why when Andrew planned to leave this past year, it felt like the right time to share it.
One of my early memories of Sunday school was a teacher telling my junior high class that homosexuals were possessed by the devil. That statement would shape the way I related to God for the next decade of my life. I wrote “Lay Your Burdens Down” during the pinnacle of that struggle when I was convinced that God hated gay people – even celibate ones or ones trying to “cure” themselves. I saw it as a horrible curse – a predetermined condemnation for those destined for God’s wrath. And there was plenty of rhetoric coming from certain parts of the church to bolster this idea. I felt incredibly alone even though I had come out to most of my close friends and family. At the time I could only write the first two verses and choruses and then I shelved the song for 2 years. I didn’t know how to end the song because I had no answer for the question I was asking: “Does God love me?”
It was the question I had been asking myself for most of my life. The one question I agonized over late at night when I prayed to what often seemed like a silent and absent God. And then one day the words came to me for the 3rd verse:
They say I’m ruined but I’m only human
They say it could be Satan, but God, I’m your creation
What is and isn’t sin, I’ll let it go and let you in
All this time I was praying, all this time you were saying:
“Come lay your burdens down on me.”
It hit me like a ton of bricks and I burst into tears as I sang it. The revelation fundamentally changed my perspective not only on homosexuality but on Christianity as a whole. I had spent the greater part of my life trying to appease the wrath of a God who wasn’t even angry at me.
I used to be the king of religious behavior modification. I thought if I was holy enough, pure enough, chaste enough, God would tolerate me in spite of my “struggle.” But my legalism quickly spread like a disease to others in my life. I would feel actual rage when I saw other Christians behaving in ways that I thought were not in step with holy standards. I was jealous of their freedom so I tried to oppress them with my own enslavement and self-loathing.
But over time I began to realize that the heart of Christianity was not primarily about behavioral change. It’s firstly about spiritual change. It is about making a broken soul whole again and restoring its connection with the divine. Something that religious law could never do. The power of the gospel isn’t about scaring people out of hell but healing and restoring people from within. The Christian’s piety is not a result of strict adherence to rules, but the inevitable fruit of a soul that knows it is loved and forgiven by God.
I don’t know all the answers and I am by no means the spokesperson for all gay Christians. I didn’t come out to make a political statement or to criticize the church. I came out because I hear stories every month about people like me who want to die because they think God hates them. And when I think about how awful it felt as a 12 year old crying late at night while my family was asleep, I want to use whatever limited influence I have to give someone like me a little bit of hope. I am still learning in my own journey, and all I can be certain of is that God’s love must be foundational in that pursuit. If we withhold God’s love from those who we deem unworthy of it, then the gospel has no power and it is just impotent religiosity.
Whether homosexuality is sin or not is of little importance to me nowadays. It’s not that I don’t think it’s an important question, it’s just not the most important question. I have learned that it is often our obsession with sin avoidance that prevents us from ever really pursuing God himself. Still, some of you are probably curious where I have landed theologically on this issue.
The truth is, I really don’t know. And I hope there is room in the dialogue for that uncertainty. As far as my own personal life is concerned, I have been single and will continue to be single for the forseeable future. Not because I am convinced of homosexuality’s sinfulness but because I am at peace with my solitude. I’m not looking for a relationship because I no longer buy into the cultural narrative that you have to be married and have kids to fulfill your life’s calling… or to be happy. That may be an unsatisfactory answer for those of you who like definitive lines, but it is my honest answer. If you are convinced that homosexuality is indeed a sin and think that my stance is too soft, then by all means you are entitled to believe that. But whatever your beliefs may be, not a single one of us has the power to exile someone from the fold of God. And if there is wrongdoing to be reckoned with, I have faith that God is good enough and merciful enough to deal with our mistakes. All any of us can do is live the best lives we can with the information we have at hand.
I have never seen the world more divided than it has been in the past few years. We have stopped listening to one another and we relentlessly declare rhetorical and literal wars on those we disagree with. There was a time in my childhood when my best friend told me he would kill a homosexual if he ever met one. Today, he is the first one to stand in harm’s way to defend me and people like me. That didn’t happen from arguing with him or hurling insults at him. It happened because one summer after college I told him my story. I showed him the humanity behind the homosexuality. I told him about the loneliness, the constant feeling of condemnation no matter how hard I tried to be good. I told him how one night I sat on a bed with a knife in my hand contemplating ending my life because I thought God had forgotten me. My story materialized something that he had always seen as an unrelatable enigma. It didn’t change his mind. It changed his heart.
For those of you out there who feel like there are parts of you that are too terrible or shameful for God, those of you who have cried yourself to sleep wishing you had been born a different person, I have been in those same dark places and I will shine a light for you as you find your way. Unload that heavy weight you’ve been carrying. It doesn’t matter if you are gay, straight or somewhere inbetween; your story and journey matter regardless of how different or abnormal it appears. Anyone who tells you God hates you has never really known him.
The devil’s greatest deception is convincing us that only another person can determine when we are worthy of love. But no mortal man or institution is the gatekeeper to the heart of God. All that he asks of us is this: “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Love one another and be free,
You won’t likely remember meeting us but we will never forget you. My children are in your video “Getting By”. We happened to be in Charlottesville that day. What a memory you gave us!
I only just read you blog having looked for it because of your Facebook post. Be the best you that you can be. Ignorance is irrelevant in the long term.
We love you! Merry Christmas!
David, Mary, Veronica and Benjamin
PS: if you are ever in south jersey please look us up. We now own a small homestead and host guests in our cottage. Would love to have you and the band at Knowhere Farm
What a beautiful statement and even more beautiful talent. Thank you for you honesty. May your courage give hope where fear and shame so deeply reside. You made my day.
There is a hymn that says, “Not I, but Christ be honoured, loved, exalted”… Immerse yourself in God’s Word, my brother…be attentive to His voice and He (the Holy Spirit) will guide you into all truth.
It seems like Satan is controlling the narrative of the world and even Christendom and the “I” image that he, as Lucifer perpetuated is infiltrating our every being and it is only when daily we fling ourselves upon The Rock in submission that He frees us from “I” and we are one in Him; clothed in His righteousness.
I have been listening to your rendition of Kari Jobe’s Forever for the past few days and you are truly gifted; keep on praising God, my brother and rest in Him!
I was wondering what Scripture can I share in closing… leafing through my Bible I came across marked passages in Hebrews and James and Ephesians and as I cannot decide, I gift you the books of Hebrews, James and Ephesians! I find the NIV translation preferable but The Holy Spirit directs whichever one you choose.
Stay with God.
Tune out all other voices – even your own – and let the Lord speak.
Blessings of the LORD, Jehovah be upon you, in Jesus Name!
Dear Tim,
This post is almost a year and a half old, but it still rings with a truth, sadness and hope that is necessary today, this very moment. I’ve never met you or had the joy of hearing you play live, but your music has touched my soul not only for the profound beauty and depth to be found in it but culturally as well and it has always been a special thing to hear a fellow Asian-American worship the same amazing God as me. Thank you for being courageous and telling your story so that others may be blessed with it. I think of loved ones dealing with the same struggle, the same questions, who have walked away from the church because of them, and I cannot say that we as brothers and sisters in Christ did not play a role as well; by, perhaps, coming up short in our unconditional love when it was needed the most. Whatever the reason I pray for my friends, my own heart, the Church’s heart and for you, that we may truly know the love of God and that it move us to action in the most radical and Christ-like of ways. You are beautiful and I pray He comfort you in the valleys you face so that you can praise Him when He delivers you to the mountain top. In this small way it has been a blessing to know you and in my heart of hearts I thank you for all that you are and all that you do.
Be well brother and be always found in His grace!
Dear Tim,
I am so thankful for Spotify! Stumbled upon ‘Friends & Foes’ as the playlist played along randomly.
The lyrics are so freeing & empowering. #onreplay
Being honest really helped set me free from darkness! It’s like shining a light on the sin & allowing God to see me for who I really am.
I hope that is what your songs will do. Help shine the light of Christ on us. That He isn’t doing that to show how awful we are but He needed to do that so that He can start drawing closer to us. & we can start being who we truly meant to be. Sons & daughters of a loving Father.
God bless you so very much Tim
Keep the faith! See you at the end of the race
p.s. Can’t wait for your the release of your future albums!
I know where you are coming from. I’ve gone through most of what you said here. But, I can’t deny what the scriptures teach to be true. Homosexual activities and thoughts are sinful. (As is any sexual activity outside of the God determined balance of marriage as porn, cheating, lust)
Having inclinations to those particular sins though, is no more a sin in itself than some people being more genetically predisposed to alcoholism or drug abuse. Now the problem arises when we allow ourselves to think that since we are tempted, we can give in.
You were correct in the end of your song about what is Jesus’s message. He loves us. “What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be!” (Rom. 6:15) Just like chastity before marriage is hard for everyone (especially, but not exclusively, for men) so is resisting any sexual temptations. Some people in y/our position choose lives of chastity. Some through prayer and God’s mercy are healed and now are married with families.
And please, remember that we all are sinful people, and just as most of us don’t walk around calling ourselves masturbaters or lusters or fornicators, don’t attach yourself to the gay title. You don’t belong in their crowd. Those titles don’t define you. We are Christians who are STRUGGLING with sin. Don’t be ok with ok with mislabeling yourself. You aren’t “coming out of the closet.” You are admitting to the world one of your struggles. Don’t let the world lead the way you think about this.
Don’t give in.
Don’t give up.
There is Hope, and His name is Jesus Christ.
May God bless you.
His grace is sufficient to deliver and redeem you as it has done every person who was every delivered from a sin. If salvation is not based on His blood and His power to deliver from sin, regardless of the sin, it is a false assurance.
Thank you for your honesty. I LOVE YOUR MUSIC!!!! I am convinced of sinful BEHAVIORS with living out homosexual or other sexual desires outside of marriage. I appreciate your perspective and I know none of us has arrived nor do we have the power to reject the ones that God accepts. I have struggled with my own sexuality. I have also had a lifelong struggle against stealing, which, if you look at God’s word is in the same category as homosexuality and adultery. We tolerate adultery on TV and also in real life. Adulterers are not automatically rejected by most Christians, even as they are moving towards change but not there yet. Theives are welcomed routinely and ” little thievery” wasting time at work, taking someone’s pen, etc are not seen as terrible things. I believe that God will convince you of what is True. If you are his, and I really believe you are, He won’t stop pursuing your heart and mending your brokenness. You have the destiny to be formed into the image of God’s Son. You can’t help the growth that the Holy Spirit will produce in you. No, you are right. your sexuality or mine or any of our struggles or hang-ups or hurts or addictions are not WHO WE ARE. Just peices. Be BLESSED! and continue on your journey! I am so glad I found your music and read this post!
This is a beautiful testament to the Christian life! Thank you for sharing. Although I don’t know what it is like to struggle with same-sex attraction, I realize that it takes a great deal of courage for you to share your story.
I don’t believe that same-sex attractions are sinful, just as I don’t believe that the temptation to steal or gossip are sinful, since, like all of us, Jesus faced temptation, specifically temptation by Satan in the desert for 40 days (Luke 4: 1-13). Yet he did not give into any of Satan’s temptations. What makes a sin is ACTING on the temptation. I think a lot of Christians mistakenly believe that same-sex attractions are sinful in and of themselves, but, if that were true, then wouldn’t Jesus’s 3 temptations by Satan be considered sins? My brothers and sisters, what makes a temptation transition to a sin is when decide to feed that desire to sin, when we ruminate and fantasize on those desires. What makes a life of virtue is choosing to walk the path God gives us despite the temptation we have to follow the path of sin. It takes a courageous heart filled with the Holy Spirit to live with and rise above a profound struggle like the kind Tim has lived with for so long. Satan calls us by our sins, but God calls each one of us by name. And it breaks my heart when other Christians condemn the person for their sins instead of helping them to achieve holiness. Whatever your view of homosexual attractions may be, please at least recognize the struggle our brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attraction live with, and encourage them to live by Christ’s love and mercy as we ALL are called to do as the church and body of Christ. Love is willing the good of the other as God wills the good for each one of us. Remember that.
Don’t let anyone tell you that being gay is a sin because it’s in the bible. The truth is that it was put in the bible by man’s flawed interpretation. The word “homosexual” wasn’t in the bible until 1946 when it appeared in the RSV bible. Subsequent translations all used the RSV as a basis which led to the translation being perpetuated. (If you’re like me and want the evidence, you can look up older versions of bibles and read them online.)
It’s sad to think how much damage could’ve been avoided had that translation never happened.
In my mind, that’s another sign that it was never the true translation of God’s word. The belief that God thinks being gay is a sin has led to so much suffering and hate and suicide and feelings of loneliness. But if you stop and consider the possibility that God doesn’t say being gay is a sin, what are the effects? Acceptance. Love. More people believing that God loves them and that they belong in the Christian community.
I just had to say something because so many people will try to convince you that acting on same-sex attraction is a sin. It’s no more a sin than acting on opposite-sex attraction. God doesn’t condemn you for being in a loving, monogamous relationship no matter the gender.